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smartR AI and Oliver published in Hyperight

Lean, Mean, Green Machines: Optimizing AI for Energy Efficiency is the latest article from smartR AI’s founder and CEO, Oliver King-Smith, and published by Hyperight.

The article provides techniques and suggestions for a path to a sustainable AI future. Based on the high levels of energy required so far to operate the technology, and that Big Tech is expected to purchase millions of these systems this year surpassing the power usage of New York City, there’s an urgent need to start using these methods actively. Check out Oliver’s article and find out how you can use AI more sustainably, and read more about SCOTi® AI, smartR AI’s wee dynamo, the smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient AI solution.

SCOTi is the eco-friendly AI solution, requiring less water & energy while boosting your efficiency. Run SCOTi on existing servers & reduce your carbon footprint while boosting efficiency.

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