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Myth buster: will AI take over all the jobs?

The World Economic Forum predicts that AI is expected to displace 85 million jobs by 2025. Yet, what is often left out of the picture is that 97 million new roles may emerge over the same period. The loss of jobs created by the industrial revolution is often used as...

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Cybercrime and LLMs: Friend or Foe

Cybercrime. For many, the mention of this word might raise the semi-comic image of a far-off ‘prince’ emailing vulnerable individuals to request money in exchange for grandiose rewards. But cybercrime takes many forms, is far more common than you would think and in the last few years has reached an...

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AI software ownership, evolution or revolution?

For a long time, software has been exclusively owned by its producers and distributed to individuals through licensing agreements or Software as a Service (‘SaaS’). Yet, the safety concerns associated with SaaS products have led some companies, like smartR AI, to transfer model ownership to its end-users. This blog will...

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A safe environment or an environment of fear?

Worker safety has become a top priority for most companies. Technology plays a big role in improving workplace safety and it does so in all kinds of ways. But does using technology create an even bigger risk than it solves? Some uses of technology are relatively uncontroversial and are widely...

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Put simply: there is no AI without data. Quality data is essential to the functioning of any AI program, without it the program will likely be inaccurate and unreliable. This is where the common place saying “garbage in, garbage out” (GIGO) comes from. A lack of quality data can not...

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Two of the main causes of unhealthy diets are a lack of education and a lack of resources. Yet, a lot of individuals now have access to both and still suffer from an unhealthy diet. Why is this? And how can AI redefine our relationship with food? The World Health Organization defines...

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